Flower Spirits I
oil on canvas
2009 NFS |

Water Spirits Iii
oil on canvas
20" diameter
Under the Boughs I
oil on canvas
11" x 14"
2010 NFS
Water Spirits II
oil on canvas
Rock Spirits I
oil on canvas
“It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly.” - Claude Monet
Brindle Dogs (study)
oil on canvas
10" x 10"
Ferns and Dogs (study)
oil on canvas
10" x 10"
2011 NFS
“One of the weaknesses of much abstract painting is the attempt to substitute the inventions of the intellect for a pristine imaginative conception. The inner life of a human being is a vast and varied realm and does not concern itself alone with stimulating arrangements of color, form and design. The term 'life' as used in art is something not to be held in contempt, for it applies all of its existence, and the province of art is to react to it and not to shun it. Painting will have to deal more fully and less obliquely with life and nature's phenomena before it can again be great.” - Edward Hopper
Water Spirits II
oil on canvas
Rock Spirits I
oil on canvas
The Sleeping Dogs -
the cliffs and rock formations along the shores of Lake Superior - are
said to be the manifestation of spirits that guard the land. The
Sleeping Dogs can astound us with their beauty, their longevity, their
color, their sovereignty. The Sleeping Dogs can put butterflies in your
belly, make you feel small (in a good way), and provide a safe, warm
spot to dry in the sun.
power of the Sleeping Dogs lies in their ability to instill in us the
desire to protect the land and Water so that we can continue to live
upon and enjoy this planet. The Sleeping Dogs take many forms. Beside
Dogs, some look like Bears. Others like Otters, Iguanas, Turtles,
Whales, Alligators, Trout, Eagles, and creatures unnervingly like
Humans. They all represent those things that must be left at rest,
unless one feels sure they are prepared for the release of energy that
would surely follow any awakening. It is this concept that has given
them their name. So, as they say, “Let sleeping dogs lie.”
reality is the Land needs protection, as does our Water and Air.
Visitors and residents alike sometimes impact the Land and Water in
adverse ways. Trees were once harvested in ways that brought decades of
disruption and permanent loss. Oil companies spill toxic sludge in our
rivers, buy our representatives, and bring tar sands oil across the Lake
Superior watershed. Nuclear waste and taconite tailings (mining waste)
have been dumped in The Lake. The Water has been contaminated, wild rice
beds are dying, and fish are full of mercury. Mineral deposits that lie
beneath the surface are sought by mining companies who will extract
what they want with cyanide. Assaults by Gogebic Taconite, Kennecott
Mining and others in their quest for zinc, copper, and other minerals
will leave sulfate, arsenic, mercury, lead, and other poisonous waste in
the wake of their empty promises for economic prosperity.
wealth of this world isn’t lying deep in the ground in the form of
metal, oil, and coal. The wealth of this world is all around us in the
form of places of peace that provide inspiration, clean Water,
breathable Air, and nutritious food. Wild Rice is a gift from the Water.
Very Nutritious. High in fiber. Twice the protein of white rice. There
are Red Raspberries, Mushrooms, Wild Onions, White Fish, Blueberries,
Maple Syrup, Trout, and Cranberries. Delicious! Real food, available in
our back yards. This is only a small part of what is at stake.
Commissioned Portraits and Labor of Love
pricing available on request but generally portraits run $2,600 - $4,400
oil on canvas ~commission~ |
Helen North
watercolor on paper
detail face ~commission~ |
Helen North
watercolor on paper
detail feet and hands |
Sarah Tourdot
2003 NFS |
2003 ~commission~ |
So Shy
pastel on paper
2008 NFS |
Maddie Wise
2005 ~commission~ |
Sarah Wise
2005 ~commission~ |
pastel on paper
2008 NFS |
Rhiannon Tourdot
2003 NFS |
oil on canvas
2005 ~commission~ |
True North
2008 ~commission~ |
Zach and Carter Tourdot
2010 NFS |
oil on canvas
2008 ~commission~ |
Faith North
2006 ~commission~ |
2010 ~commission~ |
pastel on paper
2008 NFS |
pastel on paper
2008 ~commission~ |
Tailer's Wake
oil on canvas
Big Bay Lagoon Begins
oil on canvas
Lily Clusters
oil on 3 canvases
each canvas is 16" x 16"
Big Bay Town Park
oil on canvas
48" x 60"
oil on canvas
Bending Birch
oil on canvas
Big Bay Town Park
oil on canvas
30" x 40" nfs
Town Park
oil on canvas
where is Town Park, anyway? |

watercolor on paper
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
Longlet (front)
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
Longlet (back)
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
pen and ink on paper ~commission~ |
Bell Street Gallery
pen and ink on paper NFS |
pen and ink on paper ~commission~
"Beauty and seduction are Nature's tools for survival
because we protect what we fall in love with."
- Louie Schwartzberg
Manoomin's Lily I oil on canvas 12" x 36" |
Manoomin's Lily II oil on canvas 12" x 36" |
Currently I am
Manoomin (right)
oil on canvas
10" x 20"
2011 Sold |
Manoomin (left)
oil on canvas
10" x 20"
2011 Sold |
the result of almost 60 hours of studio time
Turtle Rock 20" x 24" oil on canvas $16,000 |
begins here
Turtle Rock... almost there |
the beginning of a tryptic
the entire tryptic in progress
each canvas is 11" wide x 14" high
on this piece, I have become fascinated with the abstract nature of
reality. Do you know how when you are spelling a word that you have
known, spelled, and used since childhood and, suddenly, it appears
strange and you think you couldn’t possibly be spelling it right? This
painting is giving me the same sensation. The abstract shapes and
colors look strange and beautiful to me and I question whether these
rocks under this Water actually look like this.
I enjoy some
abstract work for the interplay of color. But this interplay exists in
the natural world. If only we noticed. A sunset. The Aurora Borealis.
The slivers of light in clear Water. That is what this painting has
become for me. Up close, a study of a myriad of color playing - no!
dancing. Step back, and it is as familiar as your own hand if you have
been to visit the Sleeping Dogs.
On the Edge
finished Sold |
collection of paintings represents Holly’s adventure into plein air –
painting “in the open air” - as opposed to painting in the studio. The practice improves an artist’s ability to paint what the eye (not the camera) actually sees. But
the result is generally loose because plein air is a race against the
light. Conditions change rapidly and opportunities are fleeting. Plein air studies (boards) are often beautiful and an ends in and of themselves. Taken
into the studio without reference photographs, boards can provide the
basis for truly amazing studio work that captures the essence and
feeling of a beloved place. But
it captures something else: the beauty of color and form. By not
superimposing a prescribed vision, the paint freely becomes something
new and independent.
“To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.”
- Pablo Picasso
plein air is a French expression which means “in the open air,” and is
particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. The French
Impressionists were known for their outdoor work and created paintings
with spontaneity and emotion through direct contact with nature. Emily
Carr, Tom Thomson, and the Group of Seven continued this movement in
North America.
plein air is a race against the light. When you paint what is before
you in the open air, you engage the landscape and interpret it through
your own eyes without the camera's frame - without the camera's
paint to express Love. I love the natural world. To paint in the open
air, to directly engage Nature, and to record my observations with
color is exhilarating and challenging. Trudging through the woods in
summer or down the hill to the lake in the cold of winter immediately
transports you inside the natural world. My stowaways - the trappings of
human invention in order to record the visual sensation of the journey -
do not lessen the intensity of the return to that which remains untamed
and unconquerable. I am there to listen to the sky’s conversation with
the lake and with the hills and with the trees. In the open air, I am
part of a family again and soaking up every part of the interaction and
mood of the family table. I am fully invested in the decisions made at
that table and the condition of the family and its members.
The paintings that result from this immersion vary in their success but they are always honest.
Autumn #49
oil on canvas
12" x 12"
Autumn #13
oil on 3 canvases
12" x 12" each
oil on canvas
12" x 12"
Autumn #48
oil on canvas
12" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12" sold
Meyer's Beach Ice Caves #24
plein air Cornucopia, WI 2014
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
Meyer's Beach Ice Caves #25
plein air Cornucopia, WI 2014
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
Meyer's Beach Ice Caves #27
plein air Cornucopia, WI 2014
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
Meyer's Beach Ice Caves #28
plein air Cornucopia, WI 2014
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12"
oil on masonite
9" x 12" SOLD


Grandma's Window

detail of Grandma's Window


Bohemian Afternoon

Little Man

detail of Little Man

Bailey Farm


She is Fall
watercolor SOLD |
watercolor NFS |
Tom's Burned Down Cafe
oil on canvas Sold |
Tom's Burned Down (again)
acrylic on paper Sold |
watercolor NFS |
Fly Dragonfly
watercolor Sold |
Renewal Dragonfly
watercolor NFS |
Birch Dragonfly
watercolor NFS |
Night Spirits at Town Park
oil on canvas Sold |
Spirits at Town Park
oil on canvas Sold |
Beach Cloud
oil on wood Sold |
Cedar Swamp Cloud
oil on wood Sold |
watercolor Sold |
Eagle's Nest (study)
acrylic on wood Sold |
Apple Trees
acrylic on canvas Sold |
Red Leaves
acrylic on canvas Sold |
Flower Sprites
acrylic on canvas Sold |
Still Life
acrylic on canvas Sold
Family Farm
oil on masonite Sold
Sand Island
oil on canvas Sold
Sand Island II
oil on canvas Sold
Monet's Garden at Giverny on Cupboard Doors
oil on wood cupboard doors ~commission~
Monet's Garden at Giverny on Cupboard Doors (detail)
oil on wood cupboard doors
Sleeping Dogs on Cupboard Doors at St John's of Madeline Island (left side of window)
oil on wood cupboard doors ~commission~
Sleeping Dogs on Cupboard Doors at St John's of Madeline Island (right side of window)
oil on wood cupboard doors ~commission~
Van Gogh
oil on wood cupboard door Sold
oil on wood cupboard door Sold

Tourdot is
a full-time artist living on Madeline Island since 2003.
She came to Red Cliff in
1999 as a legal intern and left a law school dropout who was no longer ashamed
to be an artist. Seeing Lake Superior for the first time changed her life. It
corrected her assessment of her abilities and her role in this life. She
accidently moved to Madeline Island and juggled her creativity with jobs until
2009 when she quit the jobby-job-type-jobs and began to rely solely on her art
to pay the bills.
Holly's love for Water,
Trees, Rock, and Sky compelled her landscape painting. She then developed two
signature series: The Sleeping Dogs of Madeline Island and Precipice. Later,
with a busy Grandmother schedule, Holly moved from detailed studio pieces to the
open air. This allowed her to create fast, loose, painterly landscapes. Holly has been commissioned for portraits,
line drawings, signs, and murals. She
has created over 700 pieces in the years she has lived on Madeline Island. Less
than two dozen of her original works remain available.
Holly creates the
inconsistently published Madeline Island Calendar from scratch. The latest
featured local food producers for 2021. Her greeting cards and prints are
available through galleries and online.
Holly is finishing the mural, Riemans Then and Now, at the Madeline Island
Public Library.
Columbine 102 is the
second of her new series inspired by Beethoven String Quartet No. 7 in F,
Op. 59, No. 1. and begun as a collaboration between Woods Hall and Music Camp.
With headphones playing the piece repeatedly, Holly first painted a few
somewhat abstract woodland scenes but they did not capture the feel of the
music. At a loss, but with the music echoing in her head the next day, Holly
stumbled upon a common Columbine volunteering at the edge of the ditch next to
her home. That Columbine, with each delicate multi-chambered flower hanging
like a note from its linear stem with leaves rounding out the background, was
the troupe making Beethoven ocular. Thus "Columbine 101" oil on
canvas 14" x 11" was painted and sold immediately, still wet.
Here you see "Columbine 102" oil on canvas 24" x
20" as it was reserved for the performance.
y. Her available original work is presented at:
712 Main Street La Pointe, WI 54850
715. 747. 3943
Commission or purchase art through email